My Story

It was about 40 years ago when I first set foot on European soil, in Bournemouth, England. Back home in Japan, my mother was a poet specializing in English literature, and she sent me there to learn English.

Since childhood, I had wanted to see the world, and from the very beginning, I felt that European living suited me. I especially enjoyed European daily life with easy access to its rich historical culture. Gradually and naturally, I developed a stronger desire to truly experience Europe. Before long, I found a home in Belgium and settled there.

During the early years, I quickly noticed that information about Japan was generally not so much in Europe. What was known were largely businesses like Sony, Toyota, and Honda. But I thought, it’s okay, I will represent Japan. People will learn about Japan by looking at me and talking to me.

Forty years on, I still carry this mindset. However, after living here for so long and getting to know Europe well, I began to wonder, “Now that I know Europe quite well, what can I do with this knowledge?”

By then, I had been learning antique furniture restoration in Belgium. I have always had a passion for furniture, particularly beautiful historical pieces, as they have stories to tell. In my heart, a voice always said, “Japan has great cultural offerings too!” I wondered how I could use my knowledge to contribute to both societies.

Today, the perception of Japan is very different from what it was back then. Japanese culture has permeated many aspects of European life. Eventually, the answer came naturally—I needed to bridge the two worlds, and I would do it my own way. I decided to introduce beautiful historical Japanese furniture to Europe. This decision felt right. Those who know two cultures have a mission to bridge them.

Most recently, especially after the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems that more and more Europeans wish to learn about Japan. I am convinced that I should contribute in my own way to meet this demand through my work, Zen Antiques.

This is my story. I’m looking forward to the future, creating a beautiful harmony of these great cultures with you!

16 July 2024   Bonheiden

Hideki Tahara